Tuesday, February 7, 2012



10:40 A.M Some officers of the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) join anti-President Nasheed demonstrators in Republic Square in Male.Protesters claim MNDF officers have arrested President Nasheed. President’s spokesmen deny this.

10:45 – Many shops and businesses, including the Maldives National Bank close their offices in Male fearing attacks by protesters.

11:12 – Opposition protesters and some anti-Nasheed police officers take over the Maldives National Broadcasting Commission (MNBC) station and start broadcasting/telecasting anti-Nasheed statements.

11:22 – The headquarters of the ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) set on fire.

11:41 – The protesters issue President Mohamed Nasheed ultimatums to resign.

11:47 – Government spokesperson alleges that the country is undergoing an attempted coup.

12:13 – President’s office denies widespread reports that Nasheed has resigned. Army spokesman claim the President has resigned.A scheduled press conference by the President is not held.

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